

Moxie Coach

Jackie is a nomadic wife, mom of 4, and educator. She found strength and stability in fitness and nutrition, and now helps others do the same!


Jackie is not your typical fitness coach. As a nomadic wife, mother of four, and dedicated educator, she has navigated life's challenges with grace and resilience, finding strength and stability in fitness and nutrition along the way. Jackie's journey to health and fitness began when she discovered the transformative power of macros in achieving her physical goals while still enjoying the foods she loves.

Despite the demands of her busy life, Jackie has achieved the best shape of her life, proving that with dedication and the right approach, anything is possible. But for Jackie, fitness is more than just physical; it's a source of stability and strength during life's most challenging moments.

During a tumultuous period when her family was forced to evacuate their overseas home due to political unrest, Jackie turned to her nutrition and fitness goals for solace. They not only helped her stay physically strong but also mentally and emotionally resilient. This experience ignited a deep passion within her to share her knowledge and experiences with others, inspiring them to transform their lives through fitness and nutrition.

Jackie loves to share her knowledge with the fitness community through articles, such as Cracking the Code: Understanding How Much Online Personal Trainers Charge. She is fond of exploring factors, models, and industry standards to help readers make informed choices for their fitness journey.

Jackie's dedication to her clients goes beyond just helping them achieve physical strength; she empowers them to develop mental and emotional resilience, believing that true transformation comes from within. 

As a thought leader in the industry, Jackie wholeheartedly believes in the program she represents and is confident that you will too. With her unwavering support and contagious enthusiasm, you can discover the strength that lies within you.