

Moxie Coach

Meet Lindsay, a Moxie coach guiding women to connect fitness, food, and life. As a former gymnast, she champions healthy, sustainable habits.


Meet Lindsay, a Moxie coach dedicated to teaching women how to connect the dots between fitness, food, and real life.  As a wife, mom, educator, and certified coach, Lindsay has overcome several obstacles in her own health and fitness journey, which is why she’s so passionate about helping women build healthier habits in all stages of life.

Fitness has always been a cornerstone of Lindsay’s life.  She was a competitive gymnast for 15 years, earning multiple state and National titles.  However, this was also during the “eat less/exercise more” era, and unfortunately that mindset followed her until she had her first child…where she said enough was enough, and drew a line in the sand.  She chose healthy habits over restrictive ones, and her mindset and health shifted in a positive direction.  

While pregnant with her 2nd child, she was diagnosed with mild gestational diabetes.  This experience ignited a deep passion within her to share the intricate relationship between fitness, food, and real-life challenges.  She embarked on a mission to empower women to take charge of their health and well-being.  

Now in her mid-40s, she realizes that there are new challenges to face in this stage of life, but has plenty of tools ready and available to tackle those challenges head on.  

As a Certified Health and Fitness Coach, she draws upon her own experiences and expertise to guide women through their unique fitness journeys.  Her approach is rooted in building sustainable habits and creating a positive mindset, helping her clients not only achieve their fitness goals but also thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Through personalized coaching and tailored guidance, Lindsay helps women navigate the complexities of nutrition and fitness, and create a balanced lifestyle that aligns with their individual needs and goals.  She aims to inspire and empower women to embrace their strength, both inside and out, and to celebrate every step on their transformation journey!

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